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In each lesson, you will find step-by-step explanations. The course is structured in a way to promote deep learning, and after you finish, you will know the nature of programming and the full chain of programming.

After you finish reading, in every section of the course you will find a video where you can see a real-world programming application, and then you can download the exercises attached and start raising your skills.

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Fundamentals of Python

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Path to a programmer

Start to think like an expert in Python

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Become a Master

This book was written for advanced Python programmers wishing to enhance their knowledge of Python on another level.

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After you order

What will you get as soon as you buy this ebook?

  • Knowledge from expert programmers.
  • Access to a private group where you can ask questions about Python and other topics.
  • Possible collaboration on future projects.
  • Lifetime access to downloadable resources.